// source --> https://niebuhrg.de/wp-content/plugins/tickera/js/cart.js?ver= jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { /* * payment gateway show order */ var $tc_payment_gateway_wrapper = $('#tc_payment_form'); $tc_payment_gateway_wrapper.find('.tickera.tickera-payment-gateways').sort(function (a, b) { return +a.dataset.gateway_show_priority - +b.dataset.gateway_show_priority; }) .appendTo($tc_payment_gateway_wrapper); $("#tc_payment_form").submit(function (event) { $('.tc_payment_confirm').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }); /** * Check if cart update is needed * @returns {Boolean} */ function tc_check_cart_update() { var total_quantity = 0; if ($("#tickera_cart").length) {//make sure tickera standalone version is active $('.quantity').each(function (index) { total_quantity = parseInt(total_quantity) + parseInt($(this).val()); }); if (total_quantity != $('.owner-info-wrap').length) { $('.tc_cart_errors').html('
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/** * when user click on the proceed to checkout button */ $('body').on('click', '#apply_coupon', function (event) { $('#cart_action').val('apply_coupon'); }); /** * Add to cart button */ $('body').on('click', 'a.add_to_cart', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var button_type = $(this).attr('data-button-type'); var open_method = $(this).attr('data-open-method'); $(this).fadeTo("fast", 0.1); var current_form = $(this).parents('form.cart_form'); var ticket_id = current_form.find(".ticket_id").val(); var qty = $(this).closest('tr').find('.tc_quantity_selector').val(); $.post(tc_ajax.ajaxUrl, {action: "add_to_cart", ticket_id: ticket_id, tc_qty: qty}, function (data) { if (data != 'error') { current_form.html(data); if ($('.tc_cart_contents').length > 0) { $.post(tc_ajax.ajaxUrl, {action: "update_cart_widget"}, function (widget_data) { $('.tc_cart_contents').html(widget_data); }); } if (open_method == 'new' && button_type == 'buynow') { window.open(tc_ajax.cart_url, '_blank'); } if (button_type == 'buynow' && open_method !== 'new') { window.location = tc_ajax.cart_url; } } else { current_form.html(data); } $(this).fadeTo("fast", 1); }); }); /** * Empty Cart * @returns {undefined} */ function tc_empty_cart() { if ($("a.tc_empty_cart").attr("onClick") != undefined) { return; } $('body').on('click', 'a.tc_empty_cart', function (event) { var answer = confirm(tc_ajax.emptyCartMsg); if (answer) { $(this).html(''); $.post(tc_ajax.ajaxUrl, {action: 'mp-update-cart', empty_cart: 1}, function (data) { $("div.tc_cart_widget_content").html(data); }); } return false; }); } /** * Listeners for add item to cart * @returns {undefined} */ function tc_cart_listeners() { $('body').on('click', 'input.tc_button_addcart', function (event) { var input = $(this); var formElm = $(input).parents('form.tc_buy_form'); var tempHtml = formElm.html(); var serializedForm = formElm.serialize(); formElm.html(''); $.post(tc_ajax.ajaxUrl, serializedForm, function (data) { var result = data.split('||', 2); if (result[0] == 'error') { alert(result[1]); formElm.html(tempHtml); tc_cart_listeners(); } else { formElm.html('' + tc_ajax.successMsg + ''); $("div.tc_cart_widget_content").html(result[1]); if (result[0] > 0) { formElm.fadeOut(2000, function () { formElm.html(tempHtml).fadeIn('fast'); tc_cart_listeners(); }); } else { formElm.fadeOut(2000, function () { formElm.html('' + tc_ajax.outMsg + '').fadeIn('fast'); tc_cart_listeners(); }); } tc_empty_cart(); //re-init empty script as the widget was reloaded } }); return false; }); } /** * add listeners */ tc_empty_cart(); tc_cart_listeners(); if (tc_ajax.show_filters == 1) { tc_ajax_products_list(); } /** * Cart Widget */ $('body').on('click', '.tc_widget_cart_button', function (event) { window.location.href = $(this).data('url'); }); /** * Proceed to checkout button */ $('body').on('click', '#proceed_to_checkout', function (event) { $('#cart_action').val('proceed_to_checkout');//when user click on the proceed to checkout button if (tc_check_cart_update()) { //all good, do not prevent the click } else { event.preventDefault(); } } ); }); /** * Payment Step */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var gateways_count = $('.tc_gateway_form').length; if (gateways_count > 1) { $('div.tc_gateway_form').css('max-height', 'auto'); } //payment method choice $('.tickera-payment-gateways input.tc_choose_gateway').change(function () { var gid = $('input.tc_choose_gateway:checked').val(); $('div.tc_gateway_form').removeClass('tickera-height'); $('div#' + gid).addClass('tickera-height'); }); $(".tc_choose_gateway").each(function () { $(this).change(function () { if (this.checked) { $('.payment-option-wrap').removeClass('active-gateway'); $(this).closest('.payment-option-wrap').addClass('active-gateway'); } else { $(this).closest('.payment-option-wrap').toggleClass('active-gateway'); } }); }) $('.buyer-field-checkbox, .owner-field-checkbox').change(function () { var checkbox_values_field = $(this).parent().parent().find('.checkbox_values'); checkbox_values_field.val(''); $(this).parent().parent().find('input').each(function (key, value) { if ($(this).attr('checked')) { checkbox_values_field.val(checkbox_values_field.val() + '' + $(this).val() + ', '); } }); checkbox_values_field.val(checkbox_values_field.val().substring(0, checkbox_values_field.val().length - 2)); }); }); /** * Form validation */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { if ($('form#tickera_cart').length) { $('#tickera_cart').validate({ // your other plugin options debug: false }); $('.tc_validate_field_type_email').each(function () { $(this).rules('add', { email: true, }); }); $('.tc_owner_email').each(function () { $(this).rules('add', { email: true, }); }); $('#tickera_cart .required').each(function () { $(this).rules('add', { required: true, }); }); } });